Province of Grosseto : activités uniques

Province of Grosseto : activités uniques

Réservez des activités inoubliables sur Airbnb animées par des habitants.

Activités les mieux notées

Équitation : explorez la nature toscane
Please note: This beautiful horseback riding experience is made for beginners and first timers in horseback riding. Its about nature, stunning views and making friends with our horses. That means walk only! IF YOU ARE AN ADVANCED RIDER, LOOKING FOR A FASTER AND MORE SPORTY RIDE WITH TROT AND CANTER; PLEASE LET ME KNOW IN ADVANCE! If possible you can switch to another group with a different start time. Please ask for that only if you are 100% sure that your riding skills are more than sufficient and if you are 100% safe with posting, light seat and an english saddle. Generally the weight limit for our horses ist 85kg (for advanced and beginners), please ask for exceptions! When you arrive at our reception our receptionist will show you the way to the stables. Meet your horses and make friends with them. We will show you everything you need to know. And then let`s go! On our different routes, we pass by the incomparably beautiful and varied landscape of the Crete Senesi and the Val d'Arbia. Breathtaking trails in all directions are waiting to be explored. You will take home unforgettable memories of the Tuscan nature and the contact with your horse as a a touching experience. For your planning, calculate 2-2,5 hours on horseback, and 3 hours for all together. Kids aged 6 and over are welcome. Please let me know in advance the age of your kids.
Fabrication maison de fromage pecorino !
L'esperienza si concentrerà sulla realizzazione del formaggio. Partiremo dalla sala mungitura , dove gli ospiti potranno vedere i macchinari che si utilizzano oggi giorno, ma soprattutto provare loro stessi (e chissà magari imparare!) a mungere a mano come si faceva una volta. Dopo di che si passerà alla creazione vera e propria del formaggio, che verrà realizzato in una cantina in pietra con gli stessi procedimenti che usavano i nostri nonni, con paioli di rame e attrezzature in legno. In questa fase entrerà nel vivo la collaborazione degli ospiti (dai grandi ai piccolini!) , i quali realizzeranno con le proprie mani una piccola forma di formaggio da portare con loro a casa come ricordo di questa bellissima esperienza, ma soprattutto come simbolo del loro "lavoro" impiegato in un'arte nobile ma purtroppo dimenticata come quella della pastorizia. Ovviamente i partecipanti potranno visitare tutta la nostra fattoria con i suoi animali: potranno allattare con le loro mani gli agnellini, vedere le galline e visitare i pascoli dove troveranno anche i nostri fedeli alleati contro le predazioni del lupo: i cani da guardiania! Altre cose da tenere a mente Se qualcuno fosse interessato a venire un giorno diverso da quelli che noi programmiamo (solitamente tutti i sabati), basta che ci contatti per messaggio chiedendoci info su date e orari differenti!
Cuisinez avec Cristiana et Mamma Nora
During my cooking class, you will be able to immediately immerse yourself in a familiar and informal atmosphere, also thanks to the warm and welcoming ways of Mamma Nora. Before you know it, you will find yourself with an apron around your neck and ready to be part of her kitchen! You will discover and learn the secrets of homemade pasta, how to prepare a good savory sauce to accompany it and make one of the most famous Italian desserts: Tiramisù. Of course the menu can change according to guests's requests. We will cook together using mainly our all organic products, starting from the eggs of my hens. we will use flours of ancient Tuscan grains and above all we will cook with seasonal vegetables as they did in the past. We will cook inside the old celler of the Farm, as it is the coolest place we could find in summer! We will visit the garden to pick up some herbs, and for the brave ones, there will be a visit to our chicken coop! Once finished working, we will set the table and we will finally enjoy our wonderfully prepared meals. Other things to note Please, bring a lot of joy! We will spend the day together so It is forbidden to be sad! In summer, as we are in the country side, please wear long trousers and closed shoes... or bring mosquitos repellent cream. Please, advise me in advance, if you have special requests or in case of intollerances
Dégustation de vin : un verre de Toscane
Visit of the new winery of Via della Stella, including a wine tasting. We will have a nice walk through the olive grove and the vegetable garden, accompanied by Chiara or a collegue. We will then take you to the new cellar where you will feel the place where our wines come to life. The modernity of the equipment combined with the charm of the old farmhouse make it a unique and authentic experience. Followed by the tasting of wines and a small tasting of typical products of our land.
Découvrir les truffes
Be prepared to live a unique experience, in contact with dogs and nature! Take a break from the city chaos that fills our days every day. After an introduction to the world of truffles, we will begin our hunt. You will see how the trained dogs hunt for truffles and the passion they have, this being a very rewarding activity for them. Truffle hunting is also accessible to children (my dogs will be happy to play with them!). After the truffle hunting we will have a lunch with truffle dishes. The menu is vast so I don't suggest you have a big breakfast! We also have menus for vegetarians, celiacs, vegans and we can also change it according to your allergies or intolerances. During lunch we will have the opportunity to get to know each other better, drinking good wine and eating fresh seasonal truffles. Other things to remember: - long and comfortable trousers are required (ankles must be covered). - I also suggest wearing a pair of boots. If you don't have them, sneakers are fine too.

Province of Grosseto : dégustez les vins

Dégustation de vin à Montepulciano
The visit starts with a pleasant walk from the vineyards to the cave where you'll see the entire winemaking process, from the start to the end. Then you will be back to the wine-tasting room where you can finally drink and taste some of our wines paired with a chopping-out of zero-kilometer products. During the 10 min walk we will let you feel the true life of a winemaker. You will be involved in our passion for the land You will also discover all (well, quiet all) the curiosities related to the world of wine. Wine Tasting include: -Rosso di Montepulciano -Vino Nobile di Montepulciano -BiancoToscana IGT -Rosè toscana igt A 90 minutes experience, from 11.00 AM to 1 PM. The location is impressive, the winery is surrounded by vineyards spread over rolling hills and green meadows, offering a breathtaking view. Other things to note We love the nature and the wine, if you want really know the Tuscan Life you must come here!
Cours de cuisine toscane – Menu traditionnel de cinq plats
Have fun while learning how to cook in an engaging, familiar, and friendly atmosphere. An unique and complete experience that include 7 different preparations to create a full "Holiday menù". Take the opportunity to taste High Quality local wines, expertly paired (and explained): Giacomo, Chef & Sommelier, sharing his passions, will accompany you on a complete Food and Wine journey! The course is dynamic and include different experiences: Pratical Cooking Class, Cooking Show, Food Tasting, Wine Tasting and last but not least, also the friendly and funny Social Experience with the other classmates! Giacomo, will start introducing the schedule for the lesson and talking about his Organic Farm and Sustainable Production Systems adopted, pointing up about the genuineness of the ingredients: the bases of his Food Philosophy. One of your goals will be acquiring the ability to choose the best ingredients before treating them to prepare your dishes at home. At the end of the preparations, you'll sit around the large table to taste: Appetizer Pappardelle and its sauce Gnocchi and its sauce Main course (meat and vegetables) A glass of selected local Wine to taste paired to each dish, to transform "a lunch" in a real, exciting "Sensorial Path"! Finally you will taste the Tiramisù, sitting relaxed on the terrace whilst enjoying the amazing view.
Visite du vignoble I Cipressi avec les vignerons
I Cipressi Winery Vieni a scoprire i paesaggi di Montepulciano attraverso il tour - degustazione della nostra azienda! Insieme visiteremo i vigneti adiacenti all'azienda, per vedere da vicino come nasce la magia del nostro lavoro. Il tour proseguirà nel cuore della cantina dove potrai conoscere e vedere ogni aspetto del processo di vinificazione e affinamento. Infine degusteremo i vini accompagnati da prodotti tipici locali. Avrai non solo modo di assaggiare i nostri vini, ma imparerai anche le differenze delle varie tipologie!
Wine tasting and more Degustazione Vini
Degustazione di 3 vini rossi, 1 IGT e 2 Doc Orcia, da produzione biologica. Il Tour prevede una visita ai vigneti in produzione, una visita alla cantina con una spiegazione tecnica dei processi di produzione, dalla raccolta dell'uva all'imbottigliamento. Seguirà la degustazione dei vini accompagnati da squisiti assaggi di bruschetta con olio di nostra produzione biologico, formaggi e salumi locali Dop. Tutta la nostra proprietà è circondata da 9,5 ettari di vigneto, 2700 piante di olivo, querce centenarie e un fitto bosco di pineti e cipressi.
Dégustation de vin dans une cave ancienne avec Ilaria et Silvia
Degustazione enogastronomica, wine tasting, in una cantina storica del ghetto scavata nel tufo. Si offrono degustazioni con prodotti tipici locali del territorio, tutto a km0. Formaggi, olio, salumi, pane e vino dal mare ai monti della maremma. Vi porteremo nel mondo dei sapori della tradizione pitiglianese con assaggi di dolci del posto. Per chi volesse e’ possibile fare un’esperienza artistica dentro la natura, a cielo aperto, scoprendo su la Selciata - zona di passeggiata sotto il paese - un’area con le sculture dell’artista Maurizio Dusio. Al rientro ci troveremo tutti nella cantina.

Province of Grosseto : toutes les activités à proximité

Équitation : explorez la nature toscane
Please note: This beautiful horseback riding experience is made for beginners and first timers in horseback riding. Its about nature, stunning views and making friends with our horses. That means walk only! IF YOU ARE AN ADVANCED RIDER, LOOKING FOR A FASTER AND MORE SPORTY RIDE WITH TROT AND CANTER; PLEASE LET ME KNOW IN ADVANCE! If possible you can switch to another group with a different start time. Please ask for that only if you are 100% sure that your riding skills are more than sufficient and if you are 100% safe with posting, light seat and an english saddle. Generally the weight limit for our horses ist 85kg (for advanced and beginners), please ask for exceptions! When you arrive at our reception our receptionist will show you the way to the stables. Meet your horses and make friends with them. We will show you everything you need to know. And then let`s go! On our different routes, we pass by the incomparably beautiful and varied landscape of the Crete Senesi and the Val d'Arbia. Breathtaking trails in all directions are waiting to be explored. You will take home unforgettable memories of the Tuscan nature and the contact with your horse as a a touching experience. For your planning, calculate 2-2,5 hours on horseback, and 3 hours for all together. Kids aged 6 and over are welcome. Please let me know in advance the age of your kids.
Fabrication maison de fromage pecorino !
L'esperienza si concentrerà sulla realizzazione del formaggio. Partiremo dalla sala mungitura , dove gli ospiti potranno vedere i macchinari che si utilizzano oggi giorno, ma soprattutto provare loro stessi (e chissà magari imparare!) a mungere a mano come si faceva una volta. Dopo di che si passerà alla creazione vera e propria del formaggio, che verrà realizzato in una cantina in pietra con gli stessi procedimenti che usavano i nostri nonni, con paioli di rame e attrezzature in legno. In questa fase entrerà nel vivo la collaborazione degli ospiti (dai grandi ai piccolini!) , i quali realizzeranno con le proprie mani una piccola forma di formaggio da portare con loro a casa come ricordo di questa bellissima esperienza, ma soprattutto come simbolo del loro "lavoro" impiegato in un'arte nobile ma purtroppo dimenticata come quella della pastorizia. Ovviamente i partecipanti potranno visitare tutta la nostra fattoria con i suoi animali: potranno allattare con le loro mani gli agnellini, vedere le galline e visitare i pascoli dove troveranno anche i nostri fedeli alleati contro le predazioni del lupo: i cani da guardiania! Altre cose da tenere a mente Se qualcuno fosse interessato a venire un giorno diverso da quelli che noi programmiamo (solitamente tutti i sabati), basta che ci contatti per messaggio chiedendoci info su date e orari differenti!
Cuisinez avec Cristiana et Mamma Nora
During my cooking class, you will be able to immediately immerse yourself in a familiar and informal atmosphere, also thanks to the warm and welcoming ways of Mamma Nora. Before you know it, you will find yourself with an apron around your neck and ready to be part of her kitchen! You will discover and learn the secrets of homemade pasta, how to prepare a good savory sauce to accompany it and make one of the most famous Italian desserts: Tiramisù. Of course the menu can change according to guests's requests. We will cook together using mainly our all organic products, starting from the eggs of my hens. we will use flours of ancient Tuscan grains and above all we will cook with seasonal vegetables as they did in the past. We will cook inside the old celler of the Farm, as it is the coolest place we could find in summer! We will visit the garden to pick up some herbs, and for the brave ones, there will be a visit to our chicken coop! Once finished working, we will set the table and we will finally enjoy our wonderfully prepared meals. Other things to note Please, bring a lot of joy! We will spend the day together so It is forbidden to be sad! In summer, as we are in the country side, please wear long trousers and closed shoes... or bring mosquitos repellent cream. Please, advise me in advance, if you have special requests or in case of intollerances
Visite du vignoble I Cipressi avec les vignerons
I Cipressi Winery Vieni a scoprire i paesaggi di Montepulciano attraverso il tour - degustazione della nostra azienda! Insieme visiteremo i vigneti adiacenti all'azienda, per vedere da vicino come nasce la magia del nostro lavoro. Il tour proseguirà nel cuore della cantina dove potrai conoscere e vedere ogni aspetto del processo di vinificazione e affinamento. Infine degusteremo i vini accompagnati da prodotti tipici locali. Avrai non solo modo di assaggiare i nostri vini, ma imparerai anche le differenze delle varie tipologie!
Excursion Costa Toscane en bateau à voile
EXCURSION EN BATEAU À VOILE Côte toscane de Marina di Grosseto Entre criques cachées, le long de la côte dorée et des plages sauvages immergées dans la verdure, la côte toscane offre une occasion unique d'expérience sous le signe du soleil, de la mer et de la détente. À la découverte des plus belles criques et des criques les plus magiques, entre mythes grecs romains et légendes étrusques. Le voilier est le meilleur moyen de vivre l'été et la mer en toute liberté physique et mentale, de découvrir des lieux riches en traditions et en culture. Montez à bord et vivez une aventure passionnante, relaxante et culturellement riche ! ITINÉRAIRE Deux peuvent être les itinéraires selon les vents : Vers le nord : Cala Le Rocchette, Punta Ala, Scoglio del Sparviero. Vers le sud : Costa dell 'Argentario. PORT DE DÉPART : MARINA DI GROSSETO EMBARQUEMENT : 9 h 10 - RETOUR : environ 17 h 30. VOILIER : JEANNEAU SUN ODISSEY 37, (11 MT) MAX 8/9 VOYAGEURS À BORD INCLUS : Light Lunch et apéritif cruelty free, vin biologique, eau, fruits frais à bord. **** *IMPORTANT *** ENVOYER UN MESSAGE AVANT DE RÉSERVER ! Si vous souhaitez une visite en bateau en exclusivité CONTACTEZ-NOUS. Minimum 4 personnes , max 9 personnes à bord. Pour les groupes de plus de 9 personnes contactez-nous et nous vous fournirons plus d'informations.
Dégustation de vin : un verre de Toscane
Visit of the new winery of Via della Stella, including a wine tasting. We will have a nice walk through the olive grove and the vegetable garden, accompanied by Chiara or a collegue. We will then take you to the new cellar where you will feel the place where our wines come to life. The modernity of the equipment combined with the charm of the old farmhouse make it a unique and authentic experience. Followed by the tasting of wines and a small tasting of typical products of our land.
Experience Grosseto with Private Chef Nicholas
My menus highlight the incredible and unique ingredients of the region, and are a playful take on the Italian classics with a modern twist! To have a closer look at my menus, send me a direct message and I will send them your way! Take advantage of our group discounts: ★ 20% OFF — groups from 4 to 5 guests ★ 25% OFF — groups of +6 guests To take a look at my menus check the What's Included section below. Learn the secrets hidden within each dish, and enjoy a delicious multi-course meal. Get ready to discover the taste of Grosseto without leaving your own dining room! I will arrive 90 minutes before your preferred dining time in order to begin working my magic. I won't arrive empty-handed! No-no, I will show up at your doorstep equipped with every ingredient needed in order to prepare your meal. Feel free to put your apron on and cook some of the dishes with me! I am eager to share with you the secrets behind my recipes and Grosseto's local hidden treasures. Not in the mood? Well then lay down, relax, enjoy a few appetizers, and allow me and my team to take care of you. Eat, share, drink, laugh, and explore Grossetos's dining scene from your own table. Oh and don’t worry about tidying up, everything will be left spotless for you to continue to enjoy! Please note that to book an experience there is a minimum of 2 guests required.
Wine tasting and more Degustazione Vini
Degustazione di 3 vini rossi, 1 IGT e 2 Doc Orcia, da produzione biologica. Il Tour prevede una visita ai vigneti in produzione, una visita alla cantina con una spiegazione tecnica dei processi di produzione, dalla raccolta dell'uva all'imbottigliamento. Seguirà la degustazione dei vini accompagnati da squisiti assaggi di bruschetta con olio di nostra produzione biologico, formaggi e salumi locali Dop. Tutta la nostra proprietà è circondata da 9,5 ettari di vigneto, 2700 piante di olivo, querce centenarie e un fitto bosco di pineti e cipressi.
Dégustation de vin dans une cave ancienne avec Ilaria et Silvia
Degustazione enogastronomica, wine tasting, in una cantina storica del ghetto scavata nel tufo. Si offrono degustazioni con prodotti tipici locali del territorio, tutto a km0. Formaggi, olio, salumi, pane e vino dal mare ai monti della maremma. Vi porteremo nel mondo dei sapori della tradizione pitiglianese con assaggi di dolci del posto. Per chi volesse e’ possibile fare un’esperienza artistica dentro la natura, a cielo aperto, scoprendo su la Selciata - zona di passeggiata sotto il paese - un’area con le sculture dell’artista Maurizio Dusio. Al rientro ci troveremo tutti nella cantina.
Cours de surf professionnel
You will be introduced to the ocean, waves and surfing by some of the most passionate coaches you will ever meet. Learn how to keep yourself safe and have loads of fun, all in one session. Group lessons gives you the chance to learn from others in the water with you and our private classes offers you a 1 on 1 session with your coach for and experience to remember. Other things to note Our guests want to know how much the lessons are. Also if the lessons are private or individual. We have been asked before if they need to bring any equipment or special clothing.
Tour in oliveto e degustazione olio extravergine di oliva
Vieni a trovarmi in azienda e scopri tutto quello che c'è da sapere su l'olio extravergine di oliva e su le olive. Sono agronoma, specializzata in colture vegetali arboree di pregio e dal 2015 ho aperto la mia azienda olivicola. La visita ha inizio in oliveto dove imparerai i diversi metodi di coltivazione dell'olivo, come si raccolgono le olive, come si produce l'olio e le sue caratteristiche. Finita la piccola passeggiata insieme saliremo in azienda per un mini corso di assaggio ed imparerai a riconoscere le qualità sensoriali dell'olio di oliva. Assaggerai l'olio con il tulipano: il bicchiere usato dagli assaggiatori per le analisi professionali. L'esperienza si chiude con la degustazione del nostro olio biologico abbinato a buonissimi prodotti del territorio: - Pane di grano Verna biologico macinato a pietra - Mix di verdure fresche e sott'olio - Pecorino di Pienza - Calice di Rosso di Montalcino Dulcis in fundo, per i più coraggiosi, un abbinamento insolito, ma assolutamente da provare: Gelato alla panna con olio extravergine di oliva. Non vedo l'ora di condividere con te tutto quello che c'è da sapere sull'olio! Ti aspetto nella mia azienda! In caso di forti piogge o temporali potrebbe essere necessario cancellare o rimandare il tour.
Découvrir les truffes
Be prepared to live a unique experience, in contact with dogs and nature! Take a break from the city chaos that fills our days every day. After an introduction to the world of truffles, we will begin our hunt. You will see how the trained dogs hunt for truffles and the passion they have, this being a very rewarding activity for them. Truffle hunting is also accessible to children (my dogs will be happy to play with them!). After the truffle hunting we will have a lunch with truffle dishes. The menu is vast so I don't suggest you have a big breakfast! We also have menus for vegetarians, celiacs, vegans and we can also change it according to your allergies or intolerances. During lunch we will have the opportunity to get to know each other better, drinking good wine and eating fresh seasonal truffles. Other things to remember: - long and comfortable trousers are required (ankles must be covered). - I also suggest wearing a pair of boots. If you don't have them, sneakers are fine too.
Taste Grosseto through Private Chef Andrea
Enjoy your very own private chef experience at your place! Learn the secrets hidden within each dish, and enjoy a delicious multi-course meal. Get ready to discover the taste of Grosseto without leaving your own dining room! I will arrive 90 minutes before your preferred dining time in order to begin working my magic. I won't arrive empty-handed! No-no, I will show up at your doorstep equipped with every ingredient needed in order to prepare your meal. Feel free to put your apron on and cook some of the dishes with me! I am eager to share with you the secrets behind my recipes and Grosseto local hidden treasures. Not in the mood? Well then lay down, relax, enjoy a few appetizers and allow me and my team to take care of you. Eat, share, drink, laugh, and explore Grosseto dining scene from your own table. Oh and don’t worry about tidying up, everything will be left spotless for you to continue to enjoy! My menus show my passion for haute cuisine with a baggage cultural and gastronomic well format. To have a closer look at my menus check out the What's Included section below. Take advantage of our group discounts! ★ 20% OFF — groups from 4 to 5 guests ★ 25% OFF — groups of +6 guests Please note that to book an experience there is a minimum of 2 guests required.
Endroit incroyable pour la pratique du yoga
Vous pratiquerez le Yoga (Vinyasa Flow). Vinyasa représente la connexion avec la respiration et le mouvement. À travers les salutations du soleil, nous coulerons dans des asanas faciles et difficiles; Je crois fermement aux ajustements et aux aides. Pendant la pratique, vous aurez également de l'espace pour le Pranayama (techniques respiratoires) et la méditation. Après le cours de yoga, vous êtes invités à rejoindre notre petit déjeuner léger et frais sous les oliviers. Si vous souhaitez rester plus longtemps, vous pouvez profiter de l'endroit privé sur les rochers pour nager ou simplement vous détendre. Ici, à la Villa Giulia, vous pourrez profiter des quatre nouveaux éléments: Yoga, Vent, Soleil et Mer :) Autres remarques Si vous n'avez jamais essayé le yoga auparavant ou si vous êtes un pratiquant expérimenté, cette expérience sera parfaite pour vous deux! Tous les niveaux sont les bienvenus.
Tour della cinta senese e degustazione
Un tour nella fattoria dove passeggeremo tra gli ulivi e la vigna, per arrivare ai miei suini di razza cinta senese. Sono allevati allo stato semibrado, darò agli ospiti le informazioni su questa antica razza rappresentata anche in un affresco del 1340 di Ambrogio Lorenzetti nel Palazzo Civico di Siena. Sarà possibile interagire con gli animali, molto docili, per dare loro del cibo o per rimetterli nei loro ricoveri, o semplicemente passeggiare in mezzo a loro. Successivamente nella zona accoglienza possono essere degustati salumi di nostra produzione ed altre specialità locali.
  1. Airbnb
  2. Italie
  3. Toscane
  4. Province of Grosseto